Firewood Add-On Sales… Making Kindling

firewood Firewood Videos
OWB kindling creation

Would you like fries with that?? Firewood is also an item that has a number of add-on sales opportunities. Fire starters, racks, stacking, and certainly kindling. Today I show how I make kindling and how I package it. The way you package your products that can increase your asking price but also can increase brand awareness and return business.

The burlap bag I sell is 14" x 26" and you can find a good price by shopping around. I have had very good luck with Uline. Here are the bags I purchased.

Order you Iconic OWB T-Shirt today! We also have our two newly designed stickers for sale. Stickers are $3 with free shipping! All proceeds from our online store will go to my daughter and camera-girl to help pay for her college! Here is the link to our online store!!

Running a Firewood Business- Chimney Sweep Partnership

firewood Firewood Videos
OWB chimney sweeping partnership

I am not a professional chimney sweep but being in the firewood business I believe learning proper burning, stove performance, and chimney maintenance is very important to help us educate our own customers. I learned A LOT today visiting with Corey seeing the different things that can happen to a poorly maintained chimney and burning less-than seasoned firewood. I hope you too found this educational from a safety standpoint but ALSO gave you some ideas of how a firewood business can partner with other local businesses to both benefit in increased sales!

Corey's business can be found by clicking here.

The Chimney Safety Institute of America can be found by clicking here...

Firewood Delivery – Sales Story

OhioWoodBurner Firewood Videos
Ohio Wood Burner Ltd youtube blog

IMO the three most important things needed to run a firewood delivery company are 1. Sales 2. Sales, and 3. Sales. If you can sell, that is, sell your firewood for a premium price your overall operation will improve and new doors will open. Today's delivery is to a restaurant that is a MAJOR league brand in our area and made an immediate impact on my company's image and bottom line.

Order you Iconic OWB T-Shirt today! We also have our two newly designed stickers for sale. Stickers are $3 with free shipping! All proceeds from our online store will go to my daughter and camera-girl to help pay for her college! International orders please email me at